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Angtonlap primary school

Preynheat commune

Kongpisey district

Kompong Speu province


Telephone: (+855) 11 63 43 39, 69 26 64 65  


Facebook: Sareth Brak



Angtonlap School Branch




Raise and Support the Poor organization was developed bya group of Buddhist Monks from Wat Ounalom (the capital of Cambodian Buddhism) in 2008. Disturbed by the poverty they witnessed around them in Phnom Penh they have since devoted themselves to serving the poor as best they can.




I am Sareth Brak is the founder of RSP. I graduated in Philosophy at Preah Sihnouk Raja University in Phnom Penh. Since then I have been working with the charities: Buddhist Education for Peace and Nonviolence Center (BEPNC), Member for World Peace (MWP) and have worked as a teacher for Building the Future for Generations of Cambodia (BFGC). I am committed to helping the poor and improving the lives of children in Cambodia so they may reach their fullest potential.


Volunteer Staffs of RSP



Raise and Support the Poor’s vision is one in which not only the children of Cambodia but all children of the world are able to realize their full potential as human beings and members of their local and global cmmunities, in a way that respects human rights and human dignity. 

RSP believes education is crucial in alleviating poverty. By providing marginalized communities, both children and adults, with education and skills, RSP enables people to lift themselves out of their own difficulties.



Through community leadership and participation, RSP aims to improve the quality of life of marginalized people in Cambodia through education and by providing life skills in a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives.  
It is important that local community members play a vital role in whatever project or effort RSP is involved in, so that the people themselves take responsibility and ownership over the process of improving their own lives. Throughout the relationship, RSP aims to act simply as a facilitator and a source of resources and guidance for the communities.

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